Snowy Day

It’s been a quite snowy day in Brasov, today.

Went to an evening walk and took this photo. (I had to blur the car registration numbers because they’re considered personal data in our country and you can get a pretty big fine if you post them online)

Another thing I did today was to go and get my hair and beard cut a bit. Also, we’re doing quite interesting things at work these days, so it’s more interesting than usually.

That was pretty much my day. How about you, guys? Tell me in the comments.

See ya next time and love ya. <3

3 responses to “Snowy Day”

  1. JB Avatar

    Short and to the point, I like your style of writing, Ethan. I’m glad you had a great day, mine was nice too!

    1. danybv Avatar

      Thank you. I’m glad to hear that 😀

  2. Silviu Avatar

    When are you going to post your next story? I’m looking forward for it.

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